We eat lots of kinds of food in Sweden.
Husmanskost is the name of the most regular dishes. Only at the weekends
we make a "big" dinner. Then the ingredients are more
expensive and we make it more exclusive. At feasts we have traditionel
dishes like dop in the pod and surströmming (fermented baltic herring).
Swedish food traditions
Genuine Swedish food- Is there such a thing? Sweden has
a fine old culinary tradition. The Swedish husmanskost, good old
everyday food based on classic country cooking, has been influenced by
foreign cuisine over the years. Basically it is genuinely Swedish. Today
the plain and hearty husmanskost is undergoing a renaissance in Sweden.
The best of the old recipes have been revived and often revised so they
are less sturdy and easier to prepare. Propaganda for better diets has
also helped to improve the Swedish husmanskost, reduct the fat content
and add fruits and vegetables.
Regional Specialties
In Sweden everybody has about the same food habits and
customs. Many provinces have a reputation for special food. On the
eastcoust the most important food is strömming (Baltic herring). That
is a small silvery fish. Salmon, trout and whitefish are other important
fishes. Norrland, the nine northern provinces of Sweden has a lot to
offer. In Lappland you must try the dark gamy reindeer meet and åkerbär,
the rare berry that grows wild along roadsides and ditches. The åkerbär
looks like a small raspberry. The hjortron or cloudberry is another fine
Norrland fruit. Two Norrland provinces, Västerbotten and Norrbotten are
famous for their dumplings, palt. They are made of raw as well as cooked
potatoes, flour and salt, and served with butter and lingonberries.
Other Norrland specialties are tunnbröd, the thin white crispbread, and
långmjölk (sour milk).
The Swedish smörgåsbord
The Swedish smörgåsbord is world famous. You can have
it in IKEA in Milano and London. Today, the traditionell large smörgåsbord
with its lavish of food can be found only in a few resaurants, usually
at Christmastime. Once in a while, mostly in rural areas, the complete
old-time smörgåsbord will be prepered. when you meet with a smörgåsbord
of this kind. it's important to know the rules for how to approach it,
or it may become just a hotch-potch of flowers and impressions. The
commonly accepted and best way of enjoying the large smörgåsbord is to
eat each kind of food separately it is deemed necessary.
Crayfish and surströmming

Sweden has an extensive coastline and many lakes, so it´s
not surprising that fish plays a major part in the country´s diet. On
the west coast the specialties are shellfish, fresh mackerel and cod.
The crayfish season starts around August 8, and continues for about six
weeks. It is taken quite seriously in Sweden, when the nights are long
and the parties, floating on aquavit, run on into the twilight. The
small, black, freshwater crustaceans are dropped live into boiling
salted water with a huge bunch of dill; during cooking their color
changes to a bright red. A speciality of northen Sweden, surströmming,
is for sale from the third Thursday in August. To serve surströmming
the proper way: · Tie a napkin around the can · Place it on the table
· Then carefully open the can · A strong odor will at once reach your
nostrils and fill the room
"Beginners" often need some time to get used to the unique
smell of surströmming, some even go so far as to call it a stench. You
serve surströmming with potatoes, sourcream, onoin and white crispbread.
Feast food in Sweden
At Christmas in Sweden we often start with eating a
buffet-style. The buffet- style are filled with a lot of heavy dishes
both hot and cold. Ham, meat- balls, different salads and a lot of other
food. We also eat Dip in the pot when we eat a smörgåsbord, which is
slices of rye bread which are immersed in hot bouillon and then enjoyed
together with ham, pork, sausage or butter. Often after the buffet-style
comes the Santa Claus with gifts. After the Santa Claus it is time for
the traditional Christmas supper-lutfisk and creamed rice.

On Easter Eve we in Sweden eat a small smörgåsbord
and boiled eggs are seldom missing. The smörgåsbord consists of ham,
different herring, fresh salmon, eggs and a lot of different things. At
midsummer we eat sometimes a small smörgåsbord, but mostly we eat
boiled new potatoes, herring and a fresh green salad. And as a dessert
we eat strawberries with whipped cream.
Why don't you try a Swedish-recipe!?
Janssons Frestelse (Jansson's Temptation)
6 to 8 potatoes 2 onions 2 to 3 tablespoons margarine or butter 1 to 2
cans anchovy fillets 2½ to 3 dl (1 1/4 to 1½ cups) light cream
Peel the potatoes, cut in thin sticks. Slice the onions. Sauté the
onion lightly in some of the margarine or butter. Drain the anchovies
and cut in pieces. Put the potatoes, onion and anchovies in layers in
buttered baking dish. The first and last layer should be potatoes. Dot
with margarine or butter on top. Pour in a little of the liquid from the
anchovies and half of the cream. Bake in a 200 C oven for about 20
minutes. Pour in the remaning cream and bake for another 30 minutes or
till the potatoes are tender. Serve as a first course or supper dish.
Kalops (Swedish Beef Stew)
1 kg beef with bones or 600 g boneless beef: rib, rump
brisket or buttom round. 3 tablespoons margarines or butter 3
tablespoons flour 1½ teaspoons salt 2 onions, sliced 1 bay leaf 10
whole allspice 4-5 dl (1 3/4 to 2 cups ) water
Cut the meat in large cubes. Heat the margarine or butter in a heavy
saucepan. When the foan subsides, add the meat and brown it well on all
sides. Sprinkle with the floor and salt. Stir the meat. Add the onions,
bay leaf, allspice and water. Cover and simmer till tender, 1 ½ to 2
hours. Serve with boiled potatoes, pickled beets and tossed salad.
Here is an article about safe food production in Sweden
from Sweden.org:
A new Swedish model:
safe, clean food

by Stephen Croall

Sweden is making a name
for itself in Europe as a producer of clean, risk-free food -
safe meat and poultry, untainted dairy products and ecologically
grown* vegetables, potatoes and grain. In the wake of such
international food scares as mad cow disease and the dioxin
poisoning of chicken and egg products, consumers have grown
increasingly safety-conscious, and Swedish farmers and food
companies are now emphasizing their ecological profile in the
Spurred by government incentives, the big farming and consumer
organizations are at the forefront of moves towards a new kind
of Swedish model, based on humane animal husbandry and `the
world's cleanest agriculture'.
Sweden has fought in the EU to keep its stringent rules on
things like salmonella checks and antibiotics in feed and has
been granted exemption in a number of instances. In fact, the EU
appears to be increasingly interested in the `Swedish model' as
a possible way forward for European food production as a whole.

Sweden is making a name for itself in Europe as a
producer of clean, risk-free food - safe meat and
poultry, untainted dairy products and ecologically
grown* vegetables, potatoes and grain. In the wake of
such international food scares as mad cow disease and
the dioxin poisoning of chicken and egg products,
consumers have grown increasingly safety-conscious, and
Swedish farmers and food companies are now emphasizing
their ecological profile in the market.
Spurred by government incentives, the big farming
and consumer organizations are at the forefront of moves
towards a new kind of Swedish model, based on humane
animal husbandry and `the world's cleanest agriculture'.
Sweden has fought in the EU to keep its stringent
rules on things like salmonella checks and antibiotics
in feed and has been granted exemption in a number of
instances. In fact, the EU appears to be increasingly
interested in the `Swedish model' as a possible way
forward for European food production as a whole.
In Sweden, public consciousness about the connection
between animal and human health in the food chain was
rudely awakened as early as 1953. A salmonella epidemic
thought to have originated in a slaughterhouse killed
almost 100 people. Shocked, the authorities clamped down
and in 1961 passed detailed new laws designed to prevent
salmonella from spreading to humans. Mainly as a result
of this early start, Sweden is today able to produce
chicken, eggs, pork and beef that are virtually
It was not until the 1980s, however, that
environment issues in general - ecological food
production among them - became a major focus of
attention in Swedish society. People began to discuss
not only the health aspects of food products but also
the ways in which they were produced. Interest grew in
the ecological and ethical aspects of Swedish
agriculture - what condition was farmland in and how
were farm animals being treated?
At the beginning of the decade, ecological farmers
were few and far between. There was virtually no
coordination of supplies, and these were largely
restricted to flour, potatoes and vegetables. Most
produce was sold directly from farmers to consumers on a
local basis, often through channels set up by the
consumers themselves or through health food stores. The
major food chains showed little interest in such
products. The few regular grocery shops that stocked
ecologically grown produce tended to put it in a corner
without any advertising, almost as a curiosity.
Growth of the ecological market
Consumer interest steadily grew, however, and market
conditions started to change. Growers began to organize
and major retailers and food manufacturers, unused to
dealing with numerous small suppliers, pressed for a
whole new distribution system for ecological products.
The first of three nationwide ecological producer
cooperatives was established, Samodlarna, specializing
in fruit, vegetables and potatoes. It was followed (in
the early 1990s) by Eco Trade, specializing in grain and
oilseeds, and Ekokött, which coordinated and developed
marketing channels for ecological meat.
But how were consumers to know that the produce was
in fact ecological? And what exactly did `ecological'
mean? There was considerable confusion on both counts
until the establishment in 1985 of KRAV, an inspection
body for certification accredited to both the Swedish
Board of Agriculture and the National Food
Administration. Together with that of the much smaller
Demeter, a certifying body for biodynamic farmers, the
green KRAV label soon became synonymous with clean,
safe, ecologically grown food in Sweden. Basically, the
purpose of KRAV and Demeter inspection and certification
is to ensure the credibility of ecological produce and
guarantee ecological products throughout the food chain
from farmer to consumer.
KRAV, which today claims to be the biggest
certifying organization of its kind in the world,
defines ecological products generally speaking as those
that have been produced without the use of aids like
chemical fertilizer or pesticides, or in the case of
poultry, meat and eggs, etc, without the use of
antibiotics, hormones and the like by livestock farmers.
Feed must be ecologically grown and farm animals must be
properly treated.
Nowadays, the organization and its label are so
widely accepted that most Swedes no longer refer to
`organic food' or `ecological food' but simply to `KRAV
Animal welfare in focus
As ecological awareness grew in the 1980s, animal
welfare in food production also attracted increasing
attention. The debate focused on large-scale husbandry
methods that led to sick and stressed animals,
particularly pigs and battery hens, and brutal handling
in connection with transports and slaughter. The fact
that many cows were being kept indoors all year round
came as a surprise to the general public and helped fuel
the animal rights debate, which was led by Astrid
Lindgren, the well-known and highly popular author of
children's books.
The use of growth drugs in livestock farming was
also strongly criticized. The public found it hard to
accept that healthy animals should be plied with
antibiotics. Farmers' organizations backed down and in
1985 a new law put a stop to the general practice of
adding antibiotics to feed for pigs, poultry and calves.
The use of drugs to improve feed efficiency for cattle
has never been allowed in Sweden.
Limiting farmers' access to drugs like antibiotics
also has repercussions for animal welfare. When
producers are unable to use them to cover up poor
management and an inadequate environment they have to
improve both if they want their animals to remain
healthy. Thus they have to identify and resolve the
causes of problems instead of simply treating the
symptoms with medication.
Following revelations that grass-eaters like cattle
and sheep were being given feed made from the carcasses
of sick animals, including destroyed pets, and from
condemned offal from slaughterhouses, a 1986 law forbade
the use of such feed for all animals in the human food
chain - a unique move that stood Swedish milk and beef
producers in good stead when the causes of mad cow
disease were established in the 1990s.
Spread of ecological farming
With a new Animal Protection Act in place, emphasizing
healthy livestock in natural surroundings, along with
other legislation of importance from an environmental
viewpoint, the 1990s have largely been a time of
ecological consolidation for Sweden's food producers and
The decade began with a sudden leap in the amount of
ecological farmland, due both to a new government
subsidy for conversion to ecological agriculture and
burgeoning interest among food retailers. The proportion
of farmland turned over to ecological use rose from 0.5%
in 1989 to 3.5% in 1995. In that year, a new
comprehensive package of subsidies for ecological
conversion was introduced as part of the EU's
environment programme, and the Government announced an
official 10% goal for ecological farmland by the turn of
the century. This helped boost the figure to 8.6% by
1998 and although the goal does not look like being
achieved on schedule, it has been generally welcomed as
a way of focusing the agricultural mind.
Interestingly, the powerful Federation of Swedish
Farmers (LRF), traditionally the chief spokesman for
conventional farmers, is one of the organizations to
have thrown its weight behind the swing to ecological
At the end of 1998, KRAV had certified 2,860 farmers
and 127,000 hectares - as well as 580 retail shops, 570
processors and importers, 190 restaurants and industrial
kitchens, 17 textile processing companies and 2,700
products, 900 of them imported.
However, the increase in ecological farmland has not
resulted in a corresponding increase in ecological food
production. This is because much of the ecological
acreage comprises pasture and feed-crops not immediately
connected with the ecological food market. In 1997, for
instance, about 7% of Sweden's agricultural land
qualified for the ecological farming grant but less than
half of the land (3.4%) was actually certified by KRAV
or Demeter as being suitable for ecological food
Nevertheless, a range of ecological food products is
now to be found in virtually every Swedish grocery
store, and most retail chain stores offer fresh produce
carrying the KRAV label. In some cases, stores have made
ecologically-certified food their competitive edge,
while others have restricted their involvement to
grudging compliance with consumer demands or general
company policy. Increasingly, however, an ecological
profile is being viewed in the Swedish food retail trade
as being not only potentially profitable but possibly
essential to the survival of the business in the long
Consumer pressure increases
In June 1999, the consumer-owned Green Konsum chain - a
division of the giant retail cooperative movement, KF -
announced that it had doubled sales of ecological food
over the past two years and that by the end of the year
one item in ten on its shelves would be certifiably
ecological. At the same time, it claimed that the food
industry was holding up ecological development. Demand
was 2-3 times as great as supply, and the cooperative
was now having to build up its own production chains to
ensure that sought-after foodstuffs were constantly
available, particularly meat.
Green Konsum, with its 435 shops, is the biggest
ecological food retailer in Europe. It has become
increasingly critical both of the domestic food
industry, which it says is dominated by too few players
in near-monopoly positions, and of the Government, which
it says is too passive in its support. It has warned
that farmers may not be prepared to convert to
ecological production if industry is not geared to
receive what they produce, and that consumers may tire
of shortages on the shelves and withhold their custom.
For several years now, both KF and the
merchant-owned ICA chain have had their own ecological
brands on the shelves: KF's Änglamark brand and in the
case of ICA the Sunda brand for food and Skona for
technical-chemical products. Green Konsum make a point
of placing ecological fruit and vegetables on the same
counter as conventional products and marking them
clearly overhead.
Today, ecological food production in Sweden has
developed beyond primary products like fruit and
vegetables and processed products like milk, flour and
bread to even more refined products such as cheese, baby
food, ice cream, meatballs and jam. Ecological food
usually costs considerably more than equivalent
non-ecological products, but many people seem prepared
to pay. And as competition increases, prices are
expected to fall.
Safe Swedish Food on the Net
Ecological exports are steadily increasing, and the
Swedish food industry is showing particular interest in
places like Britain, Germany and the Benelux countries
where food safety is a major issue.
In early 1999, a new model for farm foods was
presented in Britain, the Swedish Farm Assured programme,
which allows British consumers with access to the
Internet to follow the item from the farm through the
production and transportation stages all the way to the
store shelf. Via a web address on the label, consumers
click their way to the (quality-certified) farm in
Sweden from where the product originated.
The programme currently involves some 40 milk and
pork producers whose entire output is intended for the
British market. Similar programmes are being developed
for other European markets, especially Germany, where
consumers are both environment-minded and well-informed.
Such export campaigns are reflected at home by
efforts to develop and introduce overall quality
assurance and environmental performance plans for
agriculture. The key points are traceability, high
quality and explicit environmental reporting, and the
plans incorporate both ISO 9002 and ISO 14001
certification, international standards that are accepted
in the export market and which the food processing
industries themselves use.
Such plans have already been introduced by exporters
of such items as cereals and grains (Swedish Seal), pork
and beef from slaughterhouses (Best In Sweden, BIS) and
vegetables and potatoes (Integrated Production, IP). An
environmental bonus or premium system has also been
implemented for milk production among dairy companies.
Down on the farm
The process of certifying quality begins at home with a
do-it-yourself inventory or annual checklist, known as
the Eco Audit. Farmers fill in a computerized form that
besides showing where they stand in environmental and
animal welfare terms also allows them to keep in touch
with the ever-changing laws and regulations that apply
to agriculture.
The authorities do not of course accept this kind of
self-inspection as being incontestably accurate, and
also carry out their own checks at the farm. But Eco
Audits are considered an important aid to marketing as
well as a money-saving incentive to producers, in that a
growing number of local authorities are reducing their
regulatory visits and charges as a result.
Completion of an Eco Audit is also increasingly
viewed by the food processing industry, especially the
dairies, as a precondition for cooperating with the
farmer in question, and the audits are an obligatory
part of quality programmes run by KRAV, Swedish Seal and
the slaughterhouses.
KRAV certification
KRAV, the major certifying body for ecological products,
is run as a non-profit organization. Any company,
association or other body operating on a nationwide
basis may become a member. The present 24 member
organizations include the big farming and retail
cooperatives, distributors, food processors and animal
protection groups as well as environmental groups that
were instrumental in launching the ecological movement
in the first place.
Internationally, KRAV is an active member of IFOAM,
the International Federation of Organic Agriculture
Movements, an umbrella organization uniting farmers,
scientists, educationalists and certifiers from most
parts of the world. KRAV takes an active part in
developing the IFOAM standards and also works to
influence EU legislation on ecological production. A
subsidiary, KRAV Kontroll AB, monitors KRAV-certified
production abroad, including textile processing and
fish-farming. A former KRAV subsidiary, the Grolink
consultancy firm, specializes in establishing
certification programmes abroad, particularly in the
developing countries.
At home, KRAV inspectors visit member companies and
organizations at least once a year to ensure that they
are complying with the regulations. In the case of
imports, KRAV's policy is to approve only products that
have been certified by other bodies accredited to IFOAM.
The major difference between KRAV and similar
organizations outside the Nordic area is that it also
embraces ecological livestock farming, taking into
consideration such ethical aspects as the animals' need
to live freely and naturally as far as possible. Today,
all cows in Sweden must be out in pasture in summer and
all pigs are allowed to roam loose. Calves and pigs must
have access to straw and reasonable space, and Sweden
has become the first EU country to outlaw battery cages
- hens must now have access to a nest, a perch and a
Antibiotics and hormes
The National Food Administration is the central
regulatory authority for food matters, and one of its
tasks is to protect consumer interests by working for
safe food. Its 1998 report showed that Swedish
foodstuffs are almost completely free from unwanted
substances like antibiotics and hormones. Of 16,000
samples taken from red meat, chicken, milk, fish, deer
and game, eight samples of beef and pork and only one of
milk contained antibiotic levels above the limit. None
contained hormone residues. In 1999, analysis is being
extended to honey and eggs as well.
Swedish opposition to drugs like antibiotics in
animal food production has also helped keep resistant
bacteria at bay in this country, while in many other
countries these bacteria are becoming increasingly
evident, resulting in the spread of severe pneumonia,
salmonella and tuberculosis.
In fact, Sweden has helped bring the issue onto the
EU agenda and the idea of a ban on antibiotics as growth
promoters is now widely supported. The World Health
Organization, WHO, is showing concern and at the end of
1998 the European Commission surprised many people by
banning six out of ten antibacterial feed additives. In
June 1999, all EU countries pledged to step up controls
on the non-medical use of antibiotics in animal feed.
On the hormone front, consumers and almost all
producers in Sweden have vociferously opposed the
introduction of monster cattle like the Belgian Blue.
The defect gene introduced by the breeder generates
severe problems at calving, a weak skeleton and other
disorders, and Swedish opposition has centred on the
animal welfare problems involved rather than any
potential health hazard to the end-consumer.
Genetically modified food
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are allowed in
Sweden but in accordance with EU rules any foodstuffs
containing them must state this on the label. The
National Food Administration is working on a control
system to check compliance but proper laboratory
analysis is not yet available, although reliable methods
are being developed around Europe.
KRAV, however, does not accept GMOs in ecological
food production, and seeks to check every stage of
production and distribution to ensure that they do not
enter the food chain. Even food additives like soya
lecithin, citric acid, enzymes and vitamins are
screened. If upon inquiry the supplier or producer
cannot guarantee that the product is GMO-free, it is not
KRAV's main concern now is that test growing of GM
crops like oilseed rape may lead to modified genes
spreading via weeds to surrounding fields.
Eco-meals on wheels
Today, though, as KRAV happily notes on its website (http://www.krav.se/),
Sweden is a country where all train restaurants serve
ecologically-certified meals, all Members of Parliament
can have a KRAV-certified meal at the parliamentary
restaurant in Stockholm and McDonald's serves ecological
In terms of the percentage of total agricultural
land used for ecological farming, Sweden is now second
only to Austria, a country whose alpine terrain makes
large-scale conventional farming more or less
impossible. And in several other European countries,
including Britain and France, growth in actual
ecological production has either slowed or stagnated.
Should the spread of ecological land in Sweden be
matched by a willingness among farmers to produce
ecological primary products - a prerequisite for the
more highly processed food products that are
increasingly in demand - and should a more sophisticated
chain of supply be developed to satisfy consumer
requirements, analysts believe the `greening' of Swedish
agriculture will continue apace.
As the third millennium approaches, the arrival on
the international scene of a new Swedish model as famous
as the first one, based on a government-backed push for
the `world's cleanest agriculture', seems a fairly
realistic proposition.
The term `ecological' is used in this article - and
indeed in Sweden - in preference to the terms `organic'
or `natural' more commonly used in English-speaking
countries to describe such produce. In Sweden,
ecological produce is a catch-all label for certified
naturally grown, organically-biologically grown or
biodynamically grown produce.
Stephen Croall is a freelance journalist and
translator living in Sweden. He has specialized in
environmental issues and is the author of Ecology for
Beginners, which has been translated into 14 languages.
Educated at a vegetarian boarding school in England, he
has cautiously begun eating game in later life.
Click HERE for

A wonderful collection of details from Judith at the Swedish
Kitchen. Click for MORE.

Welcome to A Swedish Kitchen, a website devoted to Swedish food,
both in Sweden and abroad.
Look for my new book A Swedish Kitchen:
Reminiscences and Recipes to be published Fall 2004 by Hippocrene
This page is designed and maintained by Judith
Pierce Rosenberg . I am the author of A Question of Balance:
Artists and Writers on Motherhood (Papier-Mache Press), a collection
of interviews with 25 well-known women in the arts, including Ursula K.
Le Guin, Dorothy Allison, Linda Hogan, Elizabeth Murray, Rita Dove, and
Faith Ringgold. For the past 20 years, I have also worked as a freelance
journalist, contributing to such periodicals as Ms. Magazine, The
Radcliffe Culinary Times, Publishers Weekly,The Boston Globe,The
Christian Science Monitor,The Middle East Magazine, and Fiberarts,among
The new book is a memoir about my experiences with Swedish food. My
love affair with this cuisine began more than two decades ago when I
first visited Stockholm with my Swedish-American boyfriend, now husband.
I have returned to Sweden a couple of dozen times and, for the past
fourteen years, I have spent part of each summer in the Stockholm
archipelago. Over time, I have learned to speak Swedish and to cook
Swedish, which brings me to this website.
This site will include anecdotes from my own experiences in Sweden
and with Swedish food, as well as information on ingredients, holidays,
and dining customs, and reviews of interesting restaurants, books,
magazine articles, and websites. I also want to hear about what
interests you, dear reader, so please feel free to send a recipe for the
recipe exchange or email in your own anecdotes and cooking tips.
Bulletin Board :Please submit comments, recipes, or questions to our
new bulletin
board .
More Recipes
A Bit of Culinary History:
The Swedish word, pepparkakor,
literally translates as pepper cakes. The first pepparkakor were honey
cakes, flavored with pepper and other spices such as cloves, cardamom,
cinnamon and anise, and were imported from German monks beginning in the
1300s. Over time, the pepper was eliminated from most but not all
Swedish pepparkakor recipes and honey was replaced by beet sugar syrup.
Today, Swedes buy gingersnaps year-round from bakeries and grocery
stores. But for many families, baking pepparkakor at home, using cookie
cutters shaped like Christmas goats, pigs, angels, hearts, stars, men
and women, remains an essential part of the Christmas festivities.
Strömma Canal in December light. (Click on picture to enlarge)
Recipe Please e-mail any
suggestions you may have.
“Det dukade bordet” (“The set table”) by Kersti Wikström.
Written by a curator at Stockholm’s Nordiska Museet, this book has to
do with special occasion table settings in upper class homes from the
1500s to the end of the 19th century. Following a museum exhibition on
the topic, the book goes into more detail, covering the kitchen and
cookbooks of the period. Wikström has included a special occasion menu
from each century, with accompanying recipes, for those readers who want
to recreate an historic meal. The illustrated book is available in the
museum’s gift shop for 250 kronor.
For those who can read Swedish, this site offers recipes and wine tips
from chef Rickard Nilsson who together with his younger brother, Robert
“Bobo” Nilsson, runs a restaurant in Torekov called Kattegatt
Gastronomi & Logi. The show’s host is Jesper Aspegren. You can
even write in for help with cooking problems.
www.ica.se This website, run by the
publishing company ICA, offers seasonal recipes for those who can both
read Swedish and use the metric system. This publishing company is a
subsidiary of ICA Handlarnas AB, Sweden’s largest retail grocery store
Marie Louise Bratt leads tours for Swedish-Americans, taking them to the
villages and farms where their Swedish ancestors once lived.
She also helps her clients contact those relatives still living in
Sweden today.
King Arthur Flour has a great baking supply catalogue with many items
that are particularly useful for Swedish cooking. The catalogue and
baker’s help line can also be reached at 1-800-827-6836.
This site, in English and Swedish, includes three restaurants housed in
Stockholm’s Opera House: the sumptuous Operakällaren; the less formal
Cafe Opera; and the smallest and least formal Bakfickan, literally back
pocket. See below for reviews.
Restaurant Reviews
Swedish Food links from Google.