Swedish Entertainment

Zoos, Safaris, Summerlands and Amusement parks

Show from various milieus as written by the author. Meet the various
figures. Show, film, scene, shops, and food.
Astrid Lindgrens Värld
S-598 85 Vimmerby
Phone: 0492-798 00
Fax:0492-158 85
There is the Savannah, an ape-house, a lion valley, and the zoo where
the children are allowed to enter and pet the animals. There is also the
elephant and the sea lion show daily.
Fristadsvägen 24
S-501 08 Borås
Phone: 033-35 32 70
Fax: 033-10 53 39
Dino-land, Åstorp, Skåne
Dinosaur-land with some 50 species in natural sizes. Treks with
motives from fairy tales. A journey "back in time" from the time
of the dinosaurs up until the present. Three-parks-in-one.
Dino-land, Gruvan Nyvång,
S-265 50 Åstorp
Phone: 042-679 79
Safari with over 1,000 wild animals, such as European bison. Over
2,000 wild flowers, such as the red water-lilies. A Children's Zoo, is
also included, where the children may pet the animals.
Eriksbergs Vilt-Reservat
S-374 96 Trensum
Phone: 0454-600 58
Fax: 0454 602 16
The Zoo has more than 500 animals, Nordic as well as exotic. One can
see wolves, bears, lynx, lions, tigers, dingos, giraffes, porcupines, and
different apes. The tropical house exhibits a fascinating world inhabited
by a disparate number of animals. Here one can also find a museum, an
amusement park, a 3-D cinema, and a circus.
Frösö Zoo
S-832 46 Frösön
Phone: 063-51 47 53
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Furuviksparken, Amusement Park and Zoo, Gävle, Gästrikland
Amusement park as well as zoo, including a children's zoo, where the
young ones may pet the animals. Bathing in a large pool, or in the sea.
Camping available.
AB Furuviksparken
Box 672
S-801 27 Gävle
Phone: 026-17 73 00
Fax: 026-17 73 30
Amusement park for all ages.
AB Gröna Lunds Tivoli
Lilla Allmänna Gränd 9, Djurgården
Box 27835
115 93 Stockholm
Phone: 08-587 501 00
Family park with "do-it-yourself-activities" in a beautiful
nature. Bathing in out doors pools, etc., BMX bicycles, rowing boats, etc.
Familjeparken i Varberg AB
Box 341
S-301 08 Halmstad
Phone: 0340-433 70 (park), or 035-13 07 85 (office)
Fax: 035-21 98 14
A zoo with especially Nordic animals in a natural environment. Bear,
lynx, red fox, beaver. One can also see moose, or elk, deer, fox, wolf, and
many owls.
Box 17
S-820 40 Järvsö
Phone: 0651-411 25
Fax: 0651-401 25
Kneippbyns Sommar och Vattenland, Summer- and Waterland, Visby, Gotland
Kneippbyns Sommar och Vattenland
Box 5512
S-621 05 Visby
Phone: 0498-29 61 50 or 26 43 65
Fax: 0498-29 62 95
Kolmårdens Djurpark, Zoo, Kolmården, Östergötland
A large Zoo, including a Safari with five sections inhabited by, for
instance, moose, bears, lama, zebra, ostriches, antelope, and lions.
AB Kolmårdens Djurpark
S-618 92 Kolmården
Phone: 011-24 90 00
Fax: 011-24 90 40
The largest amusement park in Scandinavia.
Liseberg AB
Box 5053
S-402 22 Göteborg
Phone: 031-40 01 00
Fax: 031-733 04 19
Nordens Ark, Zoo, Åby Säteri, Bohuslän
The zoo is organised as a source for knowledge concerning animals. In
the park most of the native breeds from the Nordic countries and Asia.
Nordens Ark
Åby Säteri 4025
S-450 46 Hunnebostrand
Phone: 0523-795 90
Fax: 0523-520 87
The zoo has the white tigers, black panthers, pumas, leopards, cheetahs,
yellow tigers, and lynx. Among the really exotic animals is the panda.
Arranged adventures will be provided for as well.
Parken Zoo
Box 300
S-631 04 Eskilstuna
Phone: 016-100 100
Fax: 016-100 114
Out-doors museum, park showing parts of Sweden, Folk dance, music,
entertainment, concerts with various artists. The zoo has Scandinavian wild
animals, along with the Skansen Aquarium and the world of Apes. There is the
children's Zoo where the youngsters may pet the animals, there is also
playgrounds, and fun activities for children.
Djurgårdsslätten 49-51
Box 27807
S-115 93 Stockholm
Phone: 08-442 80 00
Fax: 08-442 82 80
Skara Sommarland, Summerland, Västergötland
Waterpark, Amusement park, Go-cart.
Skara Sommarlands Nöjes AB
S-532 92 Axvall
Phone: 0511-770 300
Skånes Djurpark, Zoo, Höör, Skåne
There are approximately 500 Nordic animals among them most of the
endangered species. This is the largest bird retreat in Sweden. There is a
children's zoo where they may pet the animals. Close by there is a
possibility for camping.
Stiftelsen Skånes Djurpark
Jularp 3135
S-243 93 Höör
Phone: 0413-55 30 60
Fax: 0413-55 30 58
Santa Claus shows his home, his factory as well as his animals. Arranged
activities in doors as well as out doors.
Nearby are hotels and cabins, there are possibilities for camping, golf,
tennis, bathing, mini golf, fishing and hunting.
S-790 43 Sollerön
Phone: 0250-212 00
Fax: 0250-212 07
Ölands Djurpark, Zoo, Öland
The zoo is inhabited by lions, tigers, bears, animals from the savannah,
apes, birds, etc. There is also a tropical house, a Vivarium with snakes,
crocodiles and monkeys. Zoo, Amusement park, Waterland, Fairy tale land, and
a Dinosaur park.
Ölands Djurpark
S-386 90 Färjestaden
Phone: 0485-392 22
Fax: 0485-312 76
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