Sweden Genealogy Genline Workbook
Plan Ahead
Obviously you can not trace every line of your ancestors back to the
of the church records at one time. When ever your success ends on a specific
put that last found ancestor on the to do list. Then you will know where to
your search when you have time to use Genline again. See a sample of this type
at this URL.
By having a list you are working from, you will have a direction to follow
having to dive into the middle of notes and copies. What you need to do next
will be
clear to you. This will save time. Be sure to include the last GID reference
where you have a direct fix on a specific person. Plus, note where the worksheet
located for that inquiry. See page 111 of this workbook for a sample form you
may want
to use to lay out your Genline Plan. See page 112 of this workbook for a
worksheet you may want to make copies. These copies can be used for each of
ancestors for whom you have yet to identify parents.
Notebooks Are Handy
All of these worksheets can be three hole punched then put in a three ring
The dividers may run something like this:
To Do Worksheets
Genline Copies
Internet Resources
Personal Genealogies
Hyperlink Indexes
Handwriting Examples
Source Book
Be careful not to punch any page where the hole punches will cause useful data
be lost. This is particularly true of Genline printed copies. I use page
to put pages into when the content runs all the way to the left edge of the
Each page protector can hold several copies. These page protectors could be a
to organize pages about individuals or of families. Another wonderful addition
to the
organization of your notebook may be the A to Z tab dividers. Then you can put
worksheets for each person after their surname first letter. This will aid in
details as needed.
Patience Makes Perfect
At first, as you seek and find your Swedish ancestors, the pace seems rapid.
Every ten
minutes, then every thirty minutes, then every hour it seems you have added
pair of names to your pedigree chart. Then it may take a couple hours to find
the next
pair. Then four hours. Finding one person took me at least 10 hours. But I found
So as you work to find your ancestors in Swedish church records, be patient. If
search takes a very long time, enjoy the hunt.
Genealogy reminds me somewhat of stamp collecting, another of my interests.
As a
collector, when you have a blank space in a stamp album, the focus is to find
copy of that stamp. As a collector you have to fill that space. That's what
is all about. So you ask around. You check sale brochures. You go to auctions
and sales.
Eventually you develop a want list of the stamps you need and circulate it so
knows what you want.
Then one day you find the stamp you need. You buy it, bring it home, and as
you mount
it in the album you admire your purchase. Once the stamp is in the album you
never look at it again. Sound familiar? Two lessons from this: enjoy the hunt,
from time to time go back and relive the found items you have collected.
with your effort will increase your ability to have patience.

If you can manage a visit to Washington D.C., then the Library of Congress
Local History and Genealogy Reading Room just has to be on your list of must do
activities. Here are more details about this wonderful experience and resource.
The Library of
Congress >> Especially
for Researchers >> Research
Centers |
Home |
- Tours
and Research Orientations
- Learn about using the Library.
- Before
You Begin
- Reading room policies and preparing for your research.
- The
- What genealogical materials are available on site
- Internet
Subscription Services
- Genealogy databases available at the Library of Congress.
- Searching
- For locating genealogical materials in the Library's
online catalog.
- Acquiring
Published Genealogies
- How to submit materials to the Library as a gift, for
purchase, and for copyright.
- Bibliographies
and Guides
- Compiled by reference librarians.
- American Memory
- Digitized materials on U.S. history from the Library of
Congress collections. Includes first-person accounts of 19th-century
California, the
Upper Midwest from 1820 to 1910, the Chesapeake
Bay area from 1600 to 1925, and other resources for
genealogy research.
- Other
Internet Sources
- Other library catalogs and Web resources devoted to
genealogy and local history.
Campbell of Glenorchy Family Tree
George Jamesone, 1635.
Scottish National Portrait Gallery
The Library of Congress has one of the world's premier
collections of U.S. and foreign genealogical and local
historical publications. The Library's genealogy collection
began as early as 1815 with the purchase of Thomas Jefferson's
101 Independence Ave. SE
Thomas Jefferson Building, LJ G42
Washington, D.C. 20540-4660
showing location
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday:
8:30am - 9:30pm
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday:
8:30am - 5:00pm
Closed Sundays &
Federal Holidays
a Librarian
to ask the reference staff a question about the local history
and genealogy collections?
Search the Library's
Home |
These three letters stand for the best source of detailed information about
Genealogy in the world. Through the Family History Centers which they sponsor,
the world of genealogical research is open to everyone. Follow llinks from their
web page to access detailed information.


Master's Blueprint
Thomas S. Monson, Liahona and Ensign,
January 2006, 2–7
"In a very
real sense, we are builders of eternal houses.
We are apprentices to the trade—not skilled
craftsmen. We need divine help if we are to
build successfully." |

to Joseph Smith Resources
As the
Church continues to celebrate the
200th anniversary of the birth of the
Prophet Joseph, many features are
available through LDS.org, including
the Joseph Smith Web site, the Joseph
Smith Commemorative Broadcast, and
information about the movie Joseph
Smith The Prophet of the Restoration.
Visit the Joseph
Smith Commemoration Links page for
access to these and other features. |
Mr. Krueger's Christmas to
Share the Gospel
December, a 25th anniversary release
of Mr. Krueger's Christmas was
given to Ensign subscribers and
was made available for purchase
through local distribution centers.
The First Presidency has asked Church
members to share this gift and the
gospel with their friends and
neighbors. Please send
us an e-mail about your ideas and
results from this effort. |
Relief Efforts
millions of people in need around the
world, the humanitarian outreach
program of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints offers hope and
the potential for a life that
transcends disease, poverty, and
despair. Learn more by visiting the Humanitarian
Services page. |
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Current Events |
