Here are links to details about my ancestors as found with the help of
Genline and Disbyt.
The program used to create these pages is from the Latter Day Saints website
called the Personal Ancestry File.
With it I created a Gedcom file which serves as the basis for this
information. David Robert Larson is my dad.
Ancestors of David Robert Larson

Table of Contents

The ancestry report uses 'Ahnentafel' numbering. This means that the
numbers for a person's parents will be twice as large as that person's number.
For example, if a woman's number is 15, her father will be number 30, and her
mother will be 31. Her child will be number 7.

Prepared by:
David Ullian Larson
1342 SW Patricia Avenue
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34953-4903
Tel: 7723360619