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Here with details about Kreuzberg Kaserne. Note the absence of any mention of the 6901st.



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Installation Maps - late 1970s

1. Kreuzberg Kaserne, late 1970s (179 KB)

2. Miesau Army Depot, late 1970s (85 KB)

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Topographical map of Zweibrücken and surrounding area. Probably around the late 1960s.

1. Kreuzberg Kaserne
2. Family Housing Area
3. Niederauerbach Kaserne
4. Zweibrücken Air Base
5. Oberauerbach Local Training Area
6. Weisse Kaserne

Click on the thumbnail to view a larger format of the same map.

Zweibrücken (KB)

Click on thumbnail to view larger image

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(Source: ACS Welcome Packet, early 1980s)
The History of Kreuzberg Kaserne

In 1937/38 it became inevitable that a kaserne be built on the Kreuzberg, which was destined for armored engineer (pionier) troops. The first four buildings (Bldg 4000, 4001, 4002 and 4003) were designed for storing heavy equipment. In 1940, construction was completed and the Engineer chief of staff and his personnel moved in temporarily.

In 18 March 1945, Zweibruecken was occupied by American Troops. Three months later, by the end of June 1945, the French Garrison took over the kaserne. The four buildings were restored and named Turenne Kaserne. In 1953 the French Garrison was transferred to Niederauerbach Kaserne and in turn Kreuzberg was restored and enlarged by American troops. After completion of the project, Kreuzberg Kaserne became the Personnel Replacement Center of the U.S. Army Europe.

In 1957 additional buildings were erected and the first Bundeswehr unit, the 914th Transportation Battalion, moved in. In February 1959, the Transportation Battalion was transferred to Niederauerbach Kaserne and the 931st Transportation Battalion moved into the German part of Kreuzberg Kaserne.

In 1960 Kreuzberg Kaserne was entirely turned over to US troops. With the forced withdrawal of US troops stationed in France in 1967, the Supply and Maintenance Agency moved into Kreuzberg Kaserne. This installation operated the first logistic computer system in USAREUR. In NATO this system was nick-named "Moby Dick." (Webmaster Note: Actual designation - "MOBIDIC", see Basil Hobar's Personal Recollections on the ComZ Europe Page.) This unit gradually became the Supply Center for the US troops stationed in Europe and has been extended step by step.
For more on the Replacement Depot, see "Replacement System, 1945-1963."
For more on the Supply and Maintenance Agency, see "US Army Materiel Management Agency, Europe."

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Kreuzberg Past and Present, By Sp4 Charles Powers and Monika Kropf, March 15, 1988
Kreuzberg Kaserne straddles the highest hill overlooking Zweibrücken, West Germany, and has served as an important military location for many years. The name "Kreuzberg" comes from "Kreuz" (cross) and "berg" (mountain). During the Middle Ages a cross used to stand along the path going up the hill to Landstuhl and people referred to the hill as "the mountain with a cross."

The height of the hill (1,121 ft) allowed it to be used to attack Zweibrucken throughout the city's history, but it was not until the building of the "Westwall" by Hitler during WWII that a permanent military camp was set up on Kreuzberg. By 1938 the kaserne housed a German 3rd Reich motorized artillery unit. The present day buildings 4000, 4001, 4003 and 4004 were troop barracks and administrative buildings. Building 4002 was a dining hall and 4010 was a parking and maintenance area for vehicles and artillery pieces.

After Hitler's defeat, the buildings housed American soldiers until the kaserne was turned over to the French Army. In the early 1950's the Americans returned, expanded the installation and used it as a personnel replacement center for the U.S. Army in Europe. In the mid 1960's the kaserne was renamed "Kreuzberg Kaserne" and at that time took its present day shape.

Today Kreuzberg Kaserne houses a diverse group of military units, but its importance as a military installation is as great as ever. In the kaserne are several organizations that affect people throughout Europe with activities as diverse as supplying groceries for the local commissary to providing logistical sustainability for U.S. forces in the European theater during a time of war.
The 60th Ordnance Group
The 60th Ordnance Group began operations during WWII where it served with honor in the European theater. Since then it served with distinction in Korea and in Vietnam, earning a total of 15 battle streamers and one unit meritorious commendation.

From 1972 to present the Group has been based in Zweibrücken, just outside the gates of Kreuzberg Kaserne. It is unique in that it is the only conventional ammunition group in the Army.

According to CSM Isaac M. Clifton, the 60th Ordnance Group is composed of three ordnance battallions, two Explosive Ordnance Detachment Control Centers, and one ammunition depot located in Miesau.

"We operate under the hybrid ammunition company concept," he said, "and we have the capability to receive, transport, store, issue and ship ammunition via a terminal transfer company and 31 separate storage sites scattered throughout Europe."

"The Group controls two-thirds of the conventional ammunition stock in USAREUR," he added. In addition, the Miesau Army Depot has a maintenance mission that on the average occours a $1 maintenance cost versus $68 replacement cost. The 6901st Civilian Support Center at the Depot also runs the Ammunition Handler and Security School for the 60th Ord Group.

"A majority of our personnel are not miltary," said Clifton. "Over half are DA civilians, U.S. family members, local nationals, and civilian support personnel."
Information Systems Engineering Command
"Developing solutions to Army problems USAREUR-wide is our mission", said Maj. Stephan C. Lewis, U.S. Information System Engineering Command-Europe (ISEC-EUR).

ISEC-EUR, formerly Computer System Command, works hand-in-hand with the 5th Signal Command, Worms, as a European theater asset providing computer engineering services. It is a technical resource element whose system analysts have three major missions:

First, to provide software maintenance support for all Army Standard Army Management Information System (STAMIS). Second, to develop software for USAREUR Standard Systems. Lastly, to provide technical consultation reviews for computer systems ranging from micro to mainframe systems.

"At any one time 25% to 30% of our organization is TDY in the customer service support role we provide throughout the theater," Lewis said. "Our customers are USAREUR-level organizations with problems that are theater-wide."

"One example of a software system we have developed is the Inland Movement of POVs System. It forms the backbone of the new POV inland shipping program begun just recently that saves time and money for all USAREUR soldiers and civilians."

"We like to think of ourselves as a technical neighbor that provides a bridge between the national computer industry and the Army within the European theater," he said.

517th Maintenance Battalion
The 517th Maintenance Battalion is only one of two such battalions of its kind in the world. Along with its sister battalion, the 74th Maint Bn, Korea, it is responsible for the calibration and repair of Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) in its theater of operation.
  The 517th is divided into three companies located in Germany; each one operates a "secondary reference Iab." The three companies operate 45 "downloaded" mobile transfer teams that serve customers throughout Germany and other European countries, including Italy, Greece, Turkey and the Sinai Peacekeeping forces.

"Not only do we support Army customers, we service Air Force, Navy and NATO forces", said Lt. Col. David A. Dull, Commander, 517th Maint Bn. "We are responsible for 180,000 pieces of equipment from 3000 customers worth $35,000,000," he said.

"Our "downloaded" mobile transfer units are primarily fixed facilities that can become mobile upon notification. Their job is to take equipment from customers and compare it to a known standard. If it deviates, we adjust, or calibrate it. If it requires repair we have the facilities for repair. On the average, for every 5 pieces, one is repaired."

"We maintain traceability to the National Bureau of Standards," he said. "Our mobile unit standards are checked with our secondary reference lab standards, which are compared to the primary standards in Huntsville, Ala, which are in turn calibrated by the National Bureau of Standards."

"Our company commanders have one of the hardest missions in the Army, because they are responsible for so much over such a large theater", Dull said. "They must rely on their NCOs, who in turn rely upon the young soldiers. The young soldiers really deserve much of the credit."

200th TAMMC
The 200th Theater Army Materiel Management Center (200th TAMMC), is the nerve center for European theater supply and maintenance. Its mission is to keep USAREUR logistically ready to fight, to improve the logistical readiness of USAREUR during, peace time and provide logistical sustainablity for U.S. forces in war.

Three objectives contribute to accomplish the mission: to assess and report the logistic readiness of
USAREUR forces, to manage the logistics aspects of USAREUR force modernization and to sustain forces already deployed, as well as reinforcements, through a war reserves program. These tasks are managed, by six directorates.

"The Directorate for Plans, Readiness, and Support Operations (DPRSO) is the principle advisor and expediter for the theater on foreign military sales when USAREUR is the source of support," said Thomas Korczynski, Deputy Chief. "During war, we fill logistics assistance requests through the NATO mutual support agreement."

In addition to logistical readiness, DPRSO manages the Theater War Reserves. The accountability officer in DPRSO manages an inventory of theater stocks valued in excess of seven billion dollars and is also accountable for over 260 million dollars of U.S. owned equipment provided to German Army reserves for Wartime Host Nation Support of U.S. Forces.

"We organize USAREUR participation in the CINCUSAREUR and Chief of Staff of the Army supply and maintenance award for excellence programs," said Korczynski. "These programs are intended to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse and to provide command recognition for unit meritorious supply and maintenance achievements," he said.

According to SGM Thomas A. Ricker, the Directorate for Materiel, (D/MAT), is the management and control center for selected critical items required to enhance the readiness and support of U.S. and other designated NATO forces. "These items include all classes of supply except medical, ammunition, missiles and bulk petroleum," he said.

The Directorate for Missiles and Munitions (DMM) manages ammunition, major end items and repair parts. "These assets are valued in excess of nine billion dollars and are stored in more than 4500 storage structures thourghout USAREUR," said SGM Michael D. Richter.
"Our objective is to increase stockpile size, and reduce the quantity of unserviceable ammunition," he said. "We further plan for new equipment fieldings such as PATRIOT, and product improvements on existing missile system."

According to Col. Ronald V. Bila, the Directorate of Bulk Fuels (DBF) manages the U.S. owned, French contractor operated, Donges-Metz Pipeline System, a 627 kilometer multiproduct line capable of pumping 110,000 gallons per hour. DBF is the theater manager for bulk fuel storage and distribution in Central Europe.

It supports the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Canadian Forces," Bila said. "On a yearly basis this consists of over 900 million gallons of fuel and 260 thousand metric tons of coal." DBF accomplishes its mission through four distinct systems: pipeline distribution, coal distribution, commercial leased storage, and ground transport.

The Directorate for Resource Management, (DRM), manages both financial and manpower resources. DRM directs the execution of finance and accounting program and budget, stock fund budget, management analysis, and manpower functions. It also processes commercial contractor payments of over 15 million dollars per month in 10 foreign currencies and performs the largest foreign military sales accounting function in USAREUR.

"Additionally, this directorate provides finance and accounting services for TSA-EURCOR and DSRE," said Mrs. Celia Johnson, Chief, Manpower and Management Analysis Division.

Steve Linzenbold, Chief, Logistics Systems Office, said that "analysts from LSO travel throughout USAREUR to provide assistance to users of automated, supply, maintenance, ammunition, and propery book computer systems. They develop functional specifications for new USAREUR systems for operators on both mainframe and microcomputers."

"In support of 200th TAMMC;" he said, "we are also the information management office which develops plans and acquire necessary computer support of TAMMC's information needs."
The 200th TAMMC Non-Tactical Vehicle Office is responsible for the USAREUR military driver's testing and licensing program, POV inspection program, and community bus services.

Defense Subsistance Region Europe
"The bottom line is," according to Col. John F. Wright, Commander, DSRE, "our one purpose for existing is to serve our customers."

The customers of this Department of Defense organization include soldiers, sailors, airmen and civilians authorized to receive subsistance support. DSRE accomplishes it by "receiving, storing and issuing goods procured in the States as well as perishable products procured in Euroke," said Wright.

"We act as wholesalers that sell to commissary and troop issue subsistance activities," he said, including some navy stores and navy vessels. We regularly supply 123 stores. 63 troop issue activities, and navy vessels as required."

"Our territory includes Continental Europe, the United Kingdom as well as to a limited extent Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Greece and the Azores. Our operations are conducted through four subsistance ddenots - one in the United Kingdom and three here in Germany."

According to Wright, a $650 million inventory of goods procured in the States comes through the four facilities annually. In addition, DSRE is responsible for a $220 million European procurement program.

"We are oriented towards "buy America", he said, "but perishables such as diary, meat, fruit and vegetable products - as well as uniquely European items - must be procured locally."

"We do not necessarily contract for the absolutely cheapest items available," Wright said, "because we also strive to obtain the most quality for the best price. Contracting is done on a competitive basis and we are not above playing one vendor off against another."

"One of our top priorities is to buy the freshest items possible. To do this we are buying more often products in local markets. Over the
  past seven years, fresh fruits and vegetables obtained locally have increased by 34 percent while State-side acquisition has decreased 49 percent," Wright said.

Troop Support Agency, European Commissary Region

"The retail partner of DSRE, the U.S. Army Troop Support Agency, European Commissary Region is responsible for the management and operation of 84 commissaries in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Managing these commissaries means we are involved in ordering, receiving, storing, and selling all products you find on your commissary shelves," said Col. Neil W. Meoni, Commander, TSA-EURCOR.

Total sales in the EURCOR amounted to $361.2 million in fiscal year 1987. "Our highest sales ever," said Meoni. "Through January of this fiscal year we have already sold $15.4 million more than during this same period last year. "The weakening of the dollar was undoubtedly a primary reason for the increased sales," he said, "but we also have more variety and types of products."

TSA EURCOR is the engineering branch responsible for building new commissaries and renovating old ones. "Over the next five years, TSA will devote $117 million to constructing 20 new Army commissaries and the expansion of 11 others in Europe," said Meoni.

Zweibrucken's own commissary recently closed for three days in January for reshelving and remerchandising. Zweibrücken is also scheduled to receive a new commissary. The contract for its construction will be awarded in fiscal year 1989, with construction beginning soon after.

TSA encourages customers to voice opinions and suggestions concerning commissary operations. "All Army commissaries have an advisory council. Everyone with commissary privileges is eligible and encouraged to attend," said Meoni.

"We have two suggestion programs," he said. "One of them is the Patron Suggestion Program addressed to the local commissary's officer and the other is the "At Your Service" program addressed to the TSA EURCOR commander. These programs enables us to know how the commissary system is responding to your needs and to implement better ways of servicing you," Meoni said.
Post-WWII: Occupied by French troops
1950-51: Repairs done to the kaserne which had received serious damage from bombings during the war; facility is used by French occupation troops and the City of Zweibrücken
1950-1960s: Construction of several warehouses and maintenance shops
until 1977: Weisse Kaserne was known as "Caserne Berthézène"; French troops left in 1977
1977-1994: Kaserne is used by the US Air Force
Oct 25, 1994: Air Force returns Kaserne to the German government

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Related Links:
The 10th Military Airlift Squadron (MAS)
- Sherpa Society Website provides information about the 10th MAS that flew the Shorts C-23A Sherpa from Zweibrucken Air Base Germany from 1984 to 1991.
Weisse Kaserne - used by the Air Force 1977-1994