-M- Bill Mahan June 1963 -December 1964 BILLANDMARTHAMAHAN@PRODIGY.NET Don MaCleod 6901st from 1960-1961 IBM Section Dick McCracken 6901st 1963 - 1965 rjm001@epix.net Val G. McIntire 6901st OPSCOMM Section November 1964 - 1966 Anthony (Joe) Miller 6901st November 1962 - Dec 1963 James A. Minvielle Box 37 Apt. 707 284 Danforth St.Portland 04101 207-772-9067 JIM MCcammon 1957 - 1959 Zweibrucken Germany MEMBER OF THE AF BASKETBALL TEAM IN ZWEIBRUCKEN 1957-1959. John (Mack) Mckenzie 1955-1956 Landsberg AB Germany 6905th 1956-1957 Bingen Germany 6912th 1957-1958 6901st Zweibrucken Germany