C Tom Caufield Feb1959 - Feb 1962 Polish linguist. Office: Supp-11. 6901st beatom1@aol.com Lawrence G. Cahill 1962 - 1965 6901'st Zweibrucken Germany LGCAHILL@prodigy.net Lew Casey July 1967-January 1968 Lewkc76903@aol.com Then
Phil Conrad 6901 SCG 1963-1963
A/1c Peyton (Tex) L. Conway 1959 - 1961 jcorner21@excite.com
1958 2004 Carl (red) Compton 6905th - 6901st from 1957 to 1960 worked in the data processing dept. carlandlil@yahoo.com
Dale Cox 6901st Tom Crowley Was assigned as 29331 at 6901st 6901st Zweibruken 1957 - 1958 t.crowley@verizon.net