AIR FORCE CENTER FOR CRYPTOLOGIC OPERATIONSThe Air Force Center for Cryptologic Operations is the authoritative representative of the Air Force and the commander of the Air Intelligence Agency for developing cryptologic plans, policies and programs; supporting technology integration and cryptologic system acquisition; and articulating Air Force and Service Cryptologic Element operational requirements for cryptologic support. AFCCO is collocated with the National Security Agency/ Central Security Service at Fort Meade, Md. It is AIA's primary organization interfacing with NSA/ CSS on all cryptologic mission areas.AFCCO coordinates Air Force cryptologic policies, plans and programs with the United States Crypto-logic System; assists in validating and prioritizing Air Force operational re-quirements for cryptologic support; sponsors analyst- to- analyst and other exchanges between AFCCO, NSA/ CSS and other elements; and serves as principle resident AF/ AIA representative to NSA/ CSS. The 67th Intelligence Wing works closely with AFCCO and supports its efforts to develop cryptologic plans and programs for future training, technologies and requirements. The wing carries out operation in accordance with plans and programs as developed by AFCCO and validated by the AIA commander. With the commander's guidance, the AIA headquarters staff integrates and prioritizes AFCCO's plans and programs, efforts and initiatives and resource and personnel needs with those of other AIA units.The AFCCO's Plans Division is responsible for developing policy, doctrine, architecture and long- range plans to support AIA long range planning. AFCCO also provides AIA and Air Force perspective in cryptologic research and development, procurement, military construction and operations and maintenance funding. The Operations Division identifies areas in which AIA can interface with NSA/ CSS on existing programs and resources including HUMINT, MASINT, information protect and force protection. It acts as program manager for AIA participation in selected SIGINT special access programs and ensures cryptologic operations are consistent with AIA long-range planning and recommends course of action to AIA and the 67th when needed. Also, the division develops cryptologic training requirements, identifies training opportunities and represents Air Force needs at cryptologic training forums. It acts as programs manager for the Air Force Exportable Language Training Program and for Air Force participation in cryptologic intern programs. The Space and Technical Activities Division investigates and identifies areas where national cryptologic space and technical systems can support Air Force operations. It develops space and technical training requirements, identifies training opportunities, represents Air Force needs at space and technical cryptologic training for and acts as program manager for AIA participation in selected space and technical special access programs. The Communications and Information Division ensures Air Force doctrine on information operations is incorporated in NSA activities and issues. It performs AIA cryptologic information systems acquisition support and coordinates with Air Force major commands and Air Staff to ensure interpretability among cryptologic telecommunications and intelligence support systems used to accomplish AIA operational missions.It represents AIA requirements to NSA/ CSS and other appropriate agencies to ensure Air Force community access to cryptologic information systems products and services. The Logistics Division supports development of Air Force cryptologic policies, plans, programs and related acquisition processes. It guides cryptologic acquisition activities to ensure Air Force needs are met and represents AIA at cryptologic acquisition and logistics for a Minimum Essential Integrated Logistic Support Requirements, conferences and system test and evaluations. Within NSA/ CSS, it advocates Air Force cryptologic requirements associated with tactical/ airborne systems, to include systems integration.