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Zweibrücken Fachhochschule Campus

These days, the former 6901st operations buildings and other structures have been reconfigured to serve as aspects of the Zweibrücken Campus of Kaiserslautern Fachhochschule.

Here is a layout of the structures: SOURCE


Übersichtskarte vom Campus Zweibrücken

If you click on the source word above, you will be taken to a page where you can find pictures of each building. You can get an idea of the orientation of the structures by observing the sport field which was there in the 1960's and is still the sport field on the campus. The buildings where we all lived are gone, replaced with single family housing.

There are also three panoramic views of the location:




Vorschau-Bild für Panorama-Bild 1: Rundumblick von der Sternwarte auf den Campus Zweibrücken
Panorama-Bild 1 (Rundumblick von der Sternwarte, Dateigröße: 90 kB)


Vorschau-Bild für Panorama-Bild 2: Rundumblick von der Campusmitte Zweibrücken
Panorama-Bild 2
(Rundumblick von der Campusmitte, Dateigröße: 95 kB)


Vorschau-Bild für Panorama-Bild 3: Rundumblick von der Campusmitte Zweibrücken
Panorama-Bild 3
(Rundumblick von der Campusmitte, Dateigröße: 105 kB)


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