My Sweden Roots -
Welcome. This My Sweden Roots website provides the technique
to pursue Swedish Genealogy Research along with the results obtained for the Axel
Stanislaus Larson family. Additional content is listed with links in this grid:
A workbook is provided as a digital download for Swedish Genealogy Research at no charge
Although the references in the workbook are listed as Genline, a Swedish
company that put church records online, Ancestry World now has purchased
Genline. So to access the Genline records, a subscription to Ancestry World is
necessary to use this information. But the results obtained will justify the
Visit Ancestry World HERE to subscribe.
Presented here are various methods and consolidated
support material useful to you if you seeks to identify your Swedish roots to
identify your Swedish ancestors.
Swedish church records are accessible online by Genline. This genealogy website
includes census help, emigrant details, immigrant records, and the Emibas church
records, hyperlinks, and other sources for people with ancestors from Sverge Sweden
who are doing research into their family history.
You may use the material presented here at My Sweden Roots for free. You don't
have to buy anything. Be sure to follow the linkrack hyperlinks to experience the best
websites the internet has to offer for Swedish genealogy. We are sure fortunate
to live in a time when this material is so freely available.
Sweden Genealogy Workbook.
This workbook will guide you from your immigrant ancestors back through time to
Swedish ancestors found in Swedish church records. Expect to find your
ancestors back to the 1700's from the comfort of your own home with the help of a computer
connected to the internet. Complete instructions are provided in the workbook for computer
use so do not hesitate to use this method to leaf out your family tree.
The Sweden Genealogy Genline Workbook will take you page-by-page through
steps to follow to add to your Swedish genealogy. Very little knowledge of the
Swedish language is required. Translation tools are provided in the workbook.
So from me to you, good luck as you seek to identify your Swedish people. This
activity will likely bring more excitement into your life than anything you
have recently done. It is fantastic. I speak from personal experience. Click HERE
to see my ancestry developed on some lines back to the 1580's.
Be prepared to become a more interesting and knowledgeable person for your effort. You will also be gathering information of interest to all your
relatives. Family history is a hot topic in most family conversations. Why not be the
source person for the latest details about your family history.
Also, imagine finding living relatives in Sweden. I did! I've talked
by telephone and exchanged letters with them. You can too. The workbook tells you
how to find them and how to write them and how to call them.
I hope you like my website.
My Sweden Roots also includes the current results of genealogical research
into the Axel Stanislaus Larson family, my Sweden roots. This investigation has
been fruitful providing details not known by other family members.
Click HERE
for 2010 No. 9 Rooted in Sweden, the DISBYT newsletter.
Click HERE
for 2010 No. 8 Rooted in Sweden, the DISBYT newsletter.
Click HERE
for 2009 No. 7 Rooted in Sweden, the DISBYT newsletter.
Click HERE
for 2008 No. 6 Rooted in Sweden, the DISBYT newsletter.
Click HERE
for the June 2006 edition of Rooted In Sweden, the DISBYT newsletter. (1.68 Mb)
In English.
Click HERE
for the June 2006 edition of Rooted In Sweden, the DISBYT newsletter. (6.58 Mb)
In English.
Click HERE
for No. 4 of "Rooted in Sweden, the DISBYT newsletter
April 2007 1MB in English
Click HERE
for No. 4 of "Rooted in Sweden, the DISBYT newsletter
April 2007 4.4MB in English
January 2008 DIS of Sweden is happy to announce that No. 5 of "Rooted in
Sweden", our magazine specially intended for our non-Swedish speaking
members, is now available as a PDF file at URLs
(0.8 Mb) in English
(7.4 Mb) in English